SDGs Coffee Break

01.05.2024 | Sustainability

At the “Development of New Alimos Marina”, member of ELLAKTOR Group, we have embraced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an integral part of our business strategy and corporate culture, whilst to further raise awareness among our employees and endorse their adoption we run the “SDGs Coffee Break” program, in collaboration with Wise Greece.

Through these monthly Coffee Breaks, our employees have the opportunity to get inspired, familiarize themselves with and discover the ways they can contribute to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Within this framework, one of our colleagues here at New Alimos Marina, Panagiotis, who became the SDG Ambassador of the month, addressed the importance of Goal #3, which aims to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages ”. Panagiotis talked about his own personal experience serving as an example of strength, resilience, and determination to us all.

Ensuring wide awareness to empower physical and mental health is vital in building better and more prosperous societies.