Host an Event

Hosting Events – Photography / Filming

Alimos Marina hosts events, professional photography and filming for promotional, touristic purposes only upon prior written consent. Events, professional photography and filming is allowed to specific locations, as indicated by the Alimos Marina staff.

Interested parties can contact us at +30 210 9880000 or +30 210 7548959 or email their request to [email protected], at least 20 days prior to the desired day of the event, photography or filming shooting.

Alimos Marina reserves the right to refuse provision of a photography, filming or event license.



Holiday Season Operating Hours

  24/12 & 31/12 25/12, 26/12 & 1/1 6/1
CUSTOMER SERVICE 08.00-16.00 Closed 08.00-16.00
PORT MANAGEMENT DPT. 08.00-16.00 Closed 08.00-16.00
PORT SERVICE 06.30-22.00 06.30-22.00 06.30-22.00
PORT SERVICE TECHNICAL DPT. 07.00-22.00 07.00-22.00 07.00-22.00
YACHT CHARTER VILLAGE 08.00-16.00 Closed Closed