
Blue Flag

The “Blue Flag” Certification, an internationally renowned symbol of sea-water quality in more that 50 countries nowadays (an ever-increasing number), is awarded under strict criteria to organised beaches and marinas worldwide managed either by sea-coast municipalities or touristic enterprises. It is the best recognizable and worldwide spread symbol of the sea-waters quality. This essential condition is marked as ‘Excellent’ alongside certain additional criteria such as the clearness, organisation, information, safety of bathers and visitors, respect and protection of the nature around the coast and environmental awareness.

Environmental Code of Conduct

At Alimos Marina, we are committed to protecting the environment and preserving the natural beauty of our surroundings.

We kindly ask all visitors and boat owners to follow these guidelines to help maintain a clean and sustainable marina.


Recycling of Plastic Waste

Protecting the environment is our responsibility. Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future.

The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind.

Good Environmental Practices

Welcome to Alimos Marina, a place where we celebrate the beauty of the Greek seas while working together to protect them for future generations. By following these simple good environmental practices, you’ll help keep our waters and marina clean and safe for all to enjoy.
By embracing these practices, we can all contribute to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environment at Alimos Marina.


Nov 15 2024

Annual marine pollution response exercise in Alimos Marina

The annual marine pollution response exercise, conducted on November 12, 2024, at Alimos Marina, was successfully completed, reaffirming the readiness and operational effectiveness of the marina’s “Emergency Response Plan for Marine Pollution” in safeguarding the marine environment.

Aug 03 2024

Safety Practices: Drowning Prevention and First Aid

As summer draws people to beaches, marinas, and yachting holidays, which offer unique experiences, it is crucial to recognize the potential dangers associated with water activities, particularly drowning.

Jun 21 2024

Blue Flag 2024-2025

Alimos Marina  has been awarded the renowned “Blue Flag” for the seventh consecutive year by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (EEPF).

May 10 2024

First Aid Training at Alimos Marina

First Aid Training was recently completed as part of the annual Health & Safety training program at Alimos Marina.

May 01 2024

SDGs Coffee Break

At the “Development of New Alimos Marina”, member of ELLAKTOR Group, we have embraced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an integral part of our business strategy and corporate culture, whilst to further raise awareness among our employees and endorse their adoption we run the “SDGs Coffee Break” program, in collaboration with Wise Greece.

Mar 20 2024

Development of New Alimos Marina – Voluntary beach cleanup

The Development of New Alimos Marina, member of ELLAKTOR Group, within the framework of the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility program “Whole living” as well as the preparations for the application of the “Blue Flag 2024,” proceeded with the cleanup of Bikini Beach in Alimos on Sunday, March 10th…

Jan 09 2024

Ensuring High Quality According to International Standards

The Development of the New Alimos Marina  announces the acquisition of ISO certifications from TUV NORD CERT GmbH, indicating its primary priority as responsibility and respect towards the environment as well as towards society.

We inform you that in Alimos Marina, the delivery of solid hazardous waste is separated from the non-hazardous waste – and therefore by type of hazardous solid waste – as follows:

Oily Rags
(EW Code 15 02 02*)

Paint and Thinner residues
(EW Code 08 01 11*)

Packaging polluted from paint residues
(EW Code 15 01 10*)

Oily Filters residues
(EW Code 16 01 07*)

Oily sludge sediments
(EW Code 16 07 08*)

Holiday Season Operating Hours

  24/12 & 31/12 25/12, 26/12 & 1/1 6/1
CUSTOMER SERVICE 08.00-16.00 Closed 08.00-16.00
PORT MANAGEMENT DPT. 08.00-16.00 Closed 08.00-16.00
PORT SERVICE 06.30-22.00 06.30-22.00 06.30-22.00
PORT SERVICE TECHNICAL DPT. 07.00-22.00 07.00-22.00 07.00-22.00
YACHT CHARTER VILLAGE 08.00-16.00 Closed Closed